Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Accept One Another

My husband is an introvert. This is one major thing that initially drew me to him. I'm not a complete extrovert - if anything I think I  toe the line between the two extremes. Either way, his ability to maintain a state of equilibrium in regards to his feelings, think long, deep and independently, choose his words carefully and be comfortable with decision-making, conflict and ambiguity all intrigued me as these are not strengths of mine. Many of these gifts are what make him a very talented engineer and problem solver - by far one of the best I've known ( in my unbiased opinion).

Over time I  realize that I have forgotten how much I treasure these specific things about him. My nature is to be where the 'action'  is, to tell stories( If you know me, you know I love telling stories) , meet new people and spend all day in the company of friends and family. In the past 5 years that we've been married there have been times when I have been frustrated when my desire for these things clashed with his introversion.

Today, in a moment of solitude and inspired by the work of Susan Cain in her book ' Quiet: The Power of Introverts' , I'm reminded of the rare gem that I have in my brilliant husband. His ability to be steadfast in his leadership of our family is  remarkable because honestly folks I can be an emotional train wreck at times, especially when there's a baby inside of me. His calm nature, analytical mind, honesty and calculated actions are things that I can't totally wrap my mind around, but  truly appreciate.

The Scriptures say in Romans 15:7 to 'Accept one another as Christ has accepted you in order to bring praise to God'. For the next years that God allows me to be married to this amazing man, I choose to accept him just as his and appreciate him for these very unique things that I don't always understand and to be the helper who brings him good and not harm all the days of his life.

That's all for now. Practicing my 15 minutes of introspection thanks Kayonne Webley

Sunday, May 5, 2013

My favorite Maxism this week:

Max: (coughs) I'm sick, Mommy.

Me: You're not sick....but you are smart, and funny, and kind and....

Max: say I'm the coolest, Mommy.

Me: You're the coolest Max. The very coolest kid I know

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

One More Time

I had to figure out a new name for this blog especially since my P90X videos dissapeared suddenly and well, the Bible in 90 days stint is over. Can I confess that I never completed either of those things? Fail. Well, not really. I'm starting over- again. It's the hauling yourself back up that builds your character. I could easily whallow in self-pity about my inability to complete a task, but I refuse to let me get me. Instead I'm back at it once again.

This blog will be some random thoughts about what's on my heart at the moment. A diary, a journey, a place my kids/friends can come to when I'm gone someday and learn a few things about me.

What's on my mind right now in no specific order:

Losing Weight
God and his angels ushered in Myles Chima on 12/20/11, approximately 4 months ago. I gained about 45 lbs with this pregnancy. 12 weeks after Myles' birth, I weighed 221 lbs. Today I'm at 209.8.

These are my goals and deadlines. God willing, of course. The goal is to lose 50lbs this year in a gradual process ~ 1lb a week.

1. 190lbs June 30th
2. 180lbs August 31st
3. 170 lbs October 31st
4. 160lbs December 25th

Learning to live with two small kids and keep my house somewhat clean
- system for dishes, dinner, and laundry
- cleaning schedule
- monthly meal plan that I can rotate through each month with grocery list

Learning to use my time wisely
- Daily prayer walk. I've always wanted to do this, but never had the discpline to implement it. I'm not sure how just yet, but it's on my radar.
-breakfast, lunch and dinner for my family

Here we go...

Monday, March 14, 2011


I'm now 187.4lbs... :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Back to the Beginning

I'm back and here to report that I'm now 190 lbs again! This is exactly the weight I was at before I had my son. I started going to the gym 3 times a week in November. I now go once a week because of my schedule, but hope to get back to 3 times a week at the end of March. I'm really excited about the progress I've made so far.It's not my ideal weight though....

My next goal: 180lbs. This was how much I weighed prior to getting married. I had a great time eating chocolate and bon bons in my married bliss, so now I have my own bon bons to worry about. I'd like to reach my new goal by the end of May, just in time for our trip to Kenya where I will eat every single Kenyan dish I've wanted to try.

Just finished Philippians and I'm now looking to read the book of Luke. I'm really interested in studying 'the end times'


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Goals

For some strange reason I can no longer find my P90X videos. They've been MIA since we moved!

So....I have to come up with another plan....

The good news:

Total lbs gained with pregnancy = 55
Total lbs lost since pregnancy = 32!

Do the math and I have 23 lbs to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. That's the goal right now. I see my doctor again in August so I would have liked to have lost at least 1/2 of that by then.

Ultimately, I'd like to get to 15 lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight....but we'll cross that bridge when we reach it.

As far as the Bible goes.. .I am reading Acts. I really want to meet another Mom this maternity leave and share the gospel and my life with her. This is my prayer for the next 6 weeks as I go through the book of Acts and the gospels.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Contrary to Popular Belief

I have NOT fallen off the bandwagon Kayonne! lol, though I must say I am holding on for dear life!!!

I am still keeping with my commitment, but I've been met with much discouragement along the way. I am a whopping 23 days behind in my Bible in 90 day plan. At this point, I think it may end up being Bible in 180 day plan...sigh. BUT....I am not quitting. I think I bit off more than I could chew- 1 hour workouts plus at least an hour and a half reading ( I'm not a good speed reader) and writing a blog. I've learned a valuable lesson here. The race is not given to the swift, but to the one who endureth (India. Arie paraphrasing a part of Ecc 9:11).

P90x has been going well, I have skipped a couple days here and there, but with good reason. My back, elbows and knees are now starting to feel the effects of it. I am going to an orthopedic surgeon on Thursday to find out what in the world is wrong with my knees. I can barely climb stairs, or sit down/stand up from a chair without feeling the pain in both knees. This is undoubtedly a result of my intense workout. My body hasn't seen daily workouts since...well, never actually!

On the bright side, I have lost 2.5lbs and lost a total of about 3.5 inches. I can now do about 4 pushups ( at the start of this I couldn't do one single 'man' pushup). I feel great, I'm breathing better than I ever have. For the first time in my adult life I went biking with my husband. It felt so good to be active without huffing and puffing for dear life. Additionally, I've been working out for the past 2 months or so with my sister-in-Christ who lives a quarter mile down the road. We meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30am to exercise for 1/2 hour and pray. It's been so great building a friendship, building our relationship with God and building our bodies.

I think one reason I haven't lost much weight is my diet. I have not taken a disastrous detour, but I did find that the P90X was all too rigourous. I mean,who eats 6 egg whites for breakfast? I have made healthy choices and allowed myself to splurge here and there on our date nights. The other reason is that P90X was not exactly designed specifically for weight loss. I need to incorporate more cardio into it to get the results that I want.

So, to all my fans out there - Kayonne! :) I am alive and well, struggling to maintain, but fiercely devoted to doing my best.